General Overview
About IFAF 2024:

The automobile industry is one of the pillar industries in national economy. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the revenue of China's automobile manufacturing enterprises reached 8.67 trillion yuan in 2021, accounting for 7.6% of GDP, and the total retail sales of automotive consumer goods reached 4.38 trillion yuan, accounting for 9.93% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. The automobile industry mainly involves four parts, namely the supply of raw materials, parts production, finished automobile manufacturing, as well as sales and after-sales services. It is characterized by long industrial chain, high technology and comprehensiveness, and belongs to a capital-intensive and patent-intensive industry.

In this context, the 2nd IP Forefront Auto Forum 2024 will be held in Shanghai on May 29-31, with the theme of "Value and Innovation: Recreate the New Situation of IP and Compliance in the Auto Industry Chain”, in order to promote the innovation and development of global automobile industry in the post-pandemic era, and help to raise the intellectual property management level of automobile enterprises. It can build a learning and communication platform with high participation and high timeliness for automotive intellectual property practitioners at home and abroad.

IFAF will help you understand:

• Present Situation and Trends of Laws & Regulations on Data and Key Regulatory Points in The Auto Industry

• How to Apply the Measure of Data Security and Compliance Risk Management in the Full Life Circle of the Auto Supply Chain

• New Situation and Trends of IP Litigation in the Field of New Energy Power Batteries

• The Requirements for Enterprise Compliance by the Promulgation of the New EU Battery Regulations, i.e., the Regulations on Batteries and Used Batteries

• Design Patent Layout and Application Strategies of Auto Enterprises

• The Practice of Trademark Protection of Auto Related Enterprises and the Prevention and Control Measures Against the Risk of Globalization

• The Essential Problem of SEP in the Auto Industry: Exploration of the Calculation Basis of Licensing Rate and the Conflicts in Licensing Modes

• The Framework and Strategy Making for SEP Licensing Negotiation in the Auto Field

• Globalization of Auto Enterprises: Dealing with the Risks of SEP and Planning of the Patent Strategies

• German Patent Infringement Litigation and Damage Compensation System

• Practice of ‘Going Global’ IP and Legal Compliance System and Compliance Culture Construction of Auto Enterprises

IFAF Participating Units:

• Unique opportunity to raise your profile and showcase your expertise of your organization in Auto IP area

• Enhancing and establish your partnerships with In-house counsel and industry peers globally to protect your patents and market exclusivity

• Catch up the global automotive IP landscape and trends to build your strategies to adapt it

• Exploring the opportunities of China’s automotive market and its impact on global innovation system

• Branding your IP services by in-depth conversation,speaking and exhibition booth in front of global automotive IP professionals throughout this two days Auto IP focused summit

• Getting Insights from leading in-house IP counsel, patent prosecutors and litigators, government officials and policy experts from around the world on latest and hottest automotive IP issues facing IP professions today

• Arranging meetings with participants during the conference (Pre-Conference workshops, Tea break and Lunches )by using GAIPS online networking system

More speakers are being invited!
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2nd IP Forefront Auto Forum 2024
“Value and Innovation: Recreate the New Situation of IP and Compliance in the Auto Industry Chain”

Pre-conference Workshop
May 29 Afternoon

The Special Topic of Data Compliance in Auto Enterprises

Day One
May 30 Morning

Patent Disputes in the Field of New Energy Batteries

Day One
May 30 Afternoon

IP Protection and Management of Auto Enterprises

Day Two
May 31 Morning

Licensing Situation of SEP and Auto Patent

Day Two
May 31 Afternoon

IP Strategies for Globalization of Auto Enterprise

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